In the News
John Kastanis, the Principal Consultant at JNK Consulting, joins the Ask A CEO Podcast to share his experience of coaching and governing hospitals on financial discipline, strategic planning and fund generation strategies, and tips for CEOs. Originally published on GCO. Click image below to listen to the full podcast.
By John N. Kastanis
As we continue to navigate the unknowns of the current pandemic, it appears we're still a long way off from living in a true post-COVID-19 era.
John Kastanis shares the importance of expanding cancer-related services in Newark/Essex County; Steve Adubato goes on-location to the Kessler Foundation’s Life After Stroke event to talk with Howard Rossman and David Knowlton about the strokes that have affected their lives. Candice Bland talks about the significant of her students’ trip to the University of Granada in Spain.
Hospital consolidations have become a weekly event across the United States, and the pace and scope of these consolidations are getting faster and bigger.
Temple University Hospital earned the status of a “Blue Distinction Center for Transplants” by Blue Cross Blue Shield, in recognition of the Fox Chase-Temple University Hospital Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Program’s expertise in performing adult bone marrow transplants. The Fox Chase-Temple BMT Program is a formal affiliation with Fox Chase Cancer Center and is located on the campus of Jeanes Hospital – both of which are part of the Temple University Health System. All hospital services in the Fox Chase-Temple BMT Program are provided by Temple University Hospital.
Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Karen Murphy visited Temple University Hospital (TUH) on June 23 to present certificates of recognition to Temple and other area hospitals for the care, dedication and compassion they provided to victims of the May 12 Amtrak derailment.
Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary, today, gave recognition awards to the Philadelphia hospitals that treated 200 injured passengers on the night the Amtrak derailment last month.
Local hospitals drill regularly for mass casualty events but, as Temple University Hospital president John Kastanis says, they can’t really know how well they’ll do until they hear those dreaded words: “This is NOT a drill.”
By John N. Kastanis
Challenges continue to intensify for hospitals across the country in the form of rising costs, lower reimbursements, and declining inpatient volumes. Temple University Hospital is not immune to these trends, and we continue to be challenged to meet our inpatient volume targets, resulting in a shortfall of revenue from patient care for Fiscal Year 2014, which ended June 30. Notwithstanding these challenges, I am pleased to report that we expect to end FY14 with a positive bottom line for Temple University Hospital – an achievement which points to important progress we are making in several areas.
"It is a great honor for Temple to continue to be recognized in this way," said John N. Kastanis, FACHE, President & CEO of Temple University Hospital. "This speaks volumes about the skill and expertise of the entire healthcare team at Temple and only serves to deepen our commitment to providing the highest quality clinical care and specialty programs to our patients."
John N. Kastanis, President and Chief Executive Officer of Temple University Hospital presented a cutting edge speech on Obama Care when he was honored at the Hermes International Gala. The event was held April 1st evening at the Concordville Inn, in Concordville, Pennsylvania.